Our cities are usually very densely constructed and the colour grey dominates the cityscape. Sealed ground, exhaust fumes, closely spaced houses and little green space. There is little or no space for plants and nature. To counteract the effects of this development on health and climate, there are more and more forward-looking projects and ideas for greening urban spaces. Facades and roofs should be greened, flower beds planted and more trees planted in cities. What sounds like a promising model for a more climate- and people-friendly city often remains utopian in reality. The necessary financial resources are rarely available or there are other concerns that stand in the way of realisation, for example because they appear incompatible with other uses of public space. The artwork ‘Begrünung’ (Greening) by artist and student of the Nevin Aladağ class at the Dresden University of Fine Arts Kea Uhlig comments on this illusion of political promises and compromises. She shows various photographs of green spaces such as lawns, flowerbeds and vegetable patches glued to the floor tiles of the sealed forecourt of Chemnitz railway station.