Unter dem Deckmantel der Natur
oh man, thinks mother nature
what have i done wrong with you?
man as a problem child
man as a problem child for himself
In her video work “Unter dem Deckmantel der Natur” (Under the cloak of nature), artist and student of the Nevin Aladağ class at the Dresden University of Fine Arts Antje Meichsner uses poetic language to take a critical look at our notion of nature. Concepts such as forest fires, floods and heat, but also emotions and physical states such as exhaustion and the longing for reassurance are placed in relation to one another. Antje Meichsner works with fonts that are legible despite the low resolution of the media facade. At the same time, she plays with these conditions and uses glitches and interruptions, letting words appear and disappear. In this way, a contradictory and tense relationship to nature is expressed, a nature that is the basis and origin of humankind and at the same time is destroyed and exploited by us.
The media facade at Chemnitz Central Station shows the work after sunset.